Table of Contents

What is a PAM module?

Authentication in Linux is achieved through the use of PAMs (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - you can think of them as a program giving a user either a green or a red light based on the credentials they provided. I am by no means a Linux expert, but I’ll do my best to explain the subject as clearly as possible.

Thanks to the way PAMs work, you are not limited to the default login-password authentication - nothing’s stopping you from implementing a web-based (perhaps an external API?), facial recognition, or physical key auth.

To find the directory on your machine containing all available PAMs, simply run the following in your terminal:

find / -path "*/security/" 2> /dev/null

What the command above does is it looks for a file inside a security directory. Depending on your CPU architecture you should get something like this:


Now that we’ve located where our PAMs live, go ahead and list what’s in the security folder:

ls -1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/

and after that you should get something similar to the following:

As you can see, PAMs are .so files meaning they are shared objects. It’s fairly easy to compile C/C++ code into a .so file (take a look at this repository) and luckily for us, the Rust compiler also provides a way to compile your code into a shared object, so that our PAMs can be blazingly fast and memory-safe.

If you’d like to learn in detail how PAMs work, I strongly encourage you to read DigitalOcean’s post - it’s a great resource as to what each part of the configuration does.

The Plan

My use-case is authenticating a user based on a signed text file on an external USB. There are crates available for signing and verifying GPG-signed files and from what I could tell they are pretty well documented, so I feel like there is no reason to go that far in this post. However, if you’d like me to cover it in a separate post, please do give me a shout.

Our step-by-step plan looks as follows:

  1. Writing a test in C++ so we don’t have to log out every time we make a change.
  2. Most basic PAM in Rust.
  3. Configuring Linux to use our PAM.
  4. Mounting a flash drive.
  5. Reading and verifying the contents of a file on the USB.

With the plan laid out, let’s start coding.

Test script

I certainly do not recommend doing any of it on your PC, because it’s very easy and pretty likely to break something and you might not be able to log into your account afterwards. I spun up a virtual machine with Debian installed (bullseye, no desktop environment) and will do all of my development there.

You might need to install a PAM headers library to make this script work and if you already do have a C++ compiler on your machine, then feel free to omit g++. For my Debian install, I ran:

apt install libpam0g-dev g++

The script below will come in handy to test our Rust code later on. I snatched it from the repository I linked earlier.

// test.cpp

#include <security/pam_appl.h>
#include <security/pam_misc.h>
#include <stdio.h>

const struct pam_conv conv = {

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	pam_handle_t* pamh = NULL;
	int retval;
	const char* user = "";

	if(argc != 2) {
		printf("Usage: ./test [username]\n");

    // Get user from CLI arguments
	user = argv[1];

    // Start authentication for the specified user with the default PAM
	retval = pam_start("check_user", user, &conv, &pamh);

	// Is authentication possible?
	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS) {
		printf("T: Authentication started.\n");
		retval = pam_authenticate(pamh, 0);

    // Can the account be used?
	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS) {
		printf("T: Account is valid.\n");
		retval = pam_acct_mgmt(pamh, 0);

	// Did everything work?
	if (retval == PAM_SUCCESS) {
		printf("T: Authenticated.\n");
	} else {
		printf("T: Not authenticated.\n");

	// Close PAM (end session)
	if (pam_end(pamh, retval) != PAM_SUCCESS) {
		pamh = NULL;
		printf("T: 'check_user' failed to release authenticator.\n");

	return retval == PAM_SUCCESS ? 0 : 1;

Let’s compile it real quick and give it a test run with the system’s default PAM (password-based):

g++ -o ./test ./test.cpp -lpam -lpam_misc
./test $USER

Hopefully it compiled successfully and you’ve been prompted for your password.

Rust code

Now that we can test the PAMs we write, let’s get down to the actual Rust code.

First, make sure you have Rust installed and up to date:

rustup update

If you don’t have it installed yet, just follow the guide on

The crate we’re going to use for interfacing with PAM is pam-bindings. It’s not very popular, but it does the job - it’s very likely there are better libraries out there, but most of them seem to use PAM to authenticate a user inside the app, instead of being able to do PAM authentication on their own.

Let’s create a new Rust project and see what we can come up with:

cargo new custom-pam --lib

Note we want this project to be a library since we’re going to compile it into .so file further down the line.

cd into the project and edit the Cargo.toml file to be as follows:

# Cargo.toml

name = "custom-pam"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

name = "custom_pam"
# "cdylib" will allow us to compile into .so
crate-type = ["cdylib"]  

pam-bindings = "0.1.1"

Clear the contents of src/

echo > src/

Now open it and write the following code:

// src/

extern crate pam;

use pam::constants::{PamFlag, PamResultCode, PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON};
use pam::module::{PamHandle, PamHooks};
use pam::conv::Conv;
use pam::pam_try;
use std::ffi::CStr;

struct CustomPam;

impl PamHooks for CustomPam {
	fn sm_authenticate(pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
		// Initialize PAM conversation
		let conv = match pamh.get_item::<Conv>() {
			Ok(Some(conv)) => conv,
			Ok(None) => {
				unreachable!("Conv not available.");
			Err(err) => {
				eprintln!("Could not get pam_conv.");
				return err;

		// Ask for input
		let response = pam_try!(
				PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON, // Input not concealed
				"I'm the Linux Auth fairy. Say the magic word and I'll let you in: "

		match response {
			Some(c_str) => {
				let text = String::from_utf8_lossy(c_str.to_bytes());

				if text == "please" {
					eprintln!("Oh, you're so kind!");
					return PamResultCode::PAM_SUCCESS;
				} else {
					eprintln!("'{}' is not the magic word! Say 'please'", text);
					return PamResultCode::PAM_AUTH_ERR;
			None => {
				eprintln!("No response!");

	fn sm_setcred(_pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
		println!("Set credentials.");

	fn acct_mgmt(_pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
		println!("Account management.");

And run:

cargo build

If the project compiled correctly, there should be a file inside the target/debug directory.

Now copy the resulting .so file to the directory containing all PAM modules which in my case is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. It seems the convention is to name the files there as, so from now on we’ll call our module

cp ./target/debug/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security/

Configuring Linux to use the custom PAM

We need to let Linux know, that we want it to use our PAM. And we’ll disable the default password-based authentication.

Open /etc/pam.d/common-auth in your text editor and add the following line at the beginning of the file:

auth sufficient

And comment out all the other uncommented lines. Now do the same for /etc/pam.d/common-account except add this line to the file:

account sufficient

sufficient here essentially means, that if succeeds to authenticate a user, the entire auth process will succeed as well. However, if returns an error, Linux will fall back to the next PAM (like password-based auth). But since we commented out all the other modules, if our custom PAM fails, the whole auth process will. Once again, I strongly recommend reading DO’s post on PAM, especially the part about policy lines.

We’re now ready to test our custom PAM module. Run the test program we compiled earlier:

../test $USER

If you’ve typed in please, PAM will return SUCCESS. How cool is that? Try a different prompt, and you should be denied access.

Mounting a flash drive using Rust

So now we know our PAM works, time to turn it into something useful. Say I wanted my PAM to only allow people with a physical key (e.g. a flash drive containing a file named pizza.txt). You could of course set up autofs and all that jazz, but let’s do it my way - the dumb way.

To mount the flash drive we’re going to use the sys-mount crate:

# Cargo.toml

pam-bindings = "0.1.1"
sys-mount = "2.0.1"

Let’s remove the contents of the sm_authenticate method and write some new code to handle USBs and files:

// src/

extern crate pam;
extern crate sys_mount;

use pam::constants::{PamFlag, PamResultCode, PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF};
use pam::module::{PamHandle, PamHooks};
use pam::conv::Conv;
use pam::pam_try;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fs::create_dir;
use std::path;
use sys_mount::{Mount, Unmount, UnmountFlags};

const DEVICE: &str = "/dev/sdb1";
const MOUNT_PATH: &str = "/tmp/auth_key";
const FILE_NAME: &str = "pizza.txt";

struct CustomPam;

impl PamHooks for CustomPam {
	fn sm_authenticate(pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
		// Initialize PAM conversation
		let conv = match pamh.get_item::<Conv>() {
			Ok(Some(conv)) => conv,
			Ok(None) => {
				unreachable!("Conv not available.");
			Err(err) => {
				eprintln!("Could not get pam_conv.");
				return err;

		// Remind the user to plug in their flash drive
		let _ = pam_try!(
				PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF, // Do NOT echo input
				"Plug in your physical key and press Enter..."

		// Create the mounting directory if doesn't exist
		if !path::Path::new(&MOUNT_PATH).exists() {
				.expect("Could not create directory in /tmp");

		// Mount the USB
		let mount_result = Mount::new( 	// You should use Mount::builder() if you know
			DEVICE,												// what the file system of the USB drive is

		if mount_result.is_err() {
			eprintln!("There has been an error while mounting: {:?}", mount_result.unwrap_err());
			return PamResultCode::PAM_AUTH_ERR; // Do not proceed if mounting failed

		let mounted_device = mount_result.unwrap();

		// Check if a file named 'pizza.txt' exists on the flash drive
		let file_present = path::Path::new(
			format!("{}/{}", MOUNT_PATH, FILE_NAME).as_str()

		// Unmount the USB
			.expect("Failed to unmount device.");

		// Return authentication status
		if file_present {
		} else {
			eprintln!("'{}/{}' either does not exist or is not accessible.", MOUNT_PATH, FILE_NAME);

	fn sm_setcred(_pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
		println!("Set credentials.");

	fn acct_mgmt(_pamh: &mut PamHandle, _args: Vec<&CStr>, _flags: PamFlag) -> PamResultCode {
		println!("Account management.");

I’m aware this code is quite lengthy, but try not to get discouraged - hopefully the comments provide some info on what is going on. Compile it and run it as so:

cargo build
../test $USER

Try plugging a USB with a file named pizza.txt on it, then remove it and run the test again. You should be authenticated and rejected respectively.

Reading the file

Now let’s say we only want to allow users where the pizza.txt file says I love pizza, cause why would you let in people who don’t love pizza?

// src/

// ...
use std::fs;
// ...

fn sm_authenticate(...) {
	// ...
	let mounted_device = mount_result.unwrap();

	// Read file contents to string and verify
	let auth_valid = match fs::read_to_string(
		format!("{}/{}", MOUNT_PATH, FILE_NAME)
	) {
		Ok(file_contents) => {
			if file_contents.contains("I love pizza") {
			} else {
				eprintln!("File does not contain the phrase 'I love pizza'. File contents: {:?}", file_contents);
		Err(err) => {
			eprintln!("There has been an error while accessing '{}/{}'. Error: {:?}", MOUNT_PATH, FILE_NAME, err);

	// Unmount the USB
		.expect("Failed to unmount device.");

	if auth_valid {
	} else {


Hopefully you got it all working and you learned something useful. Keep in mind the code in this post is far from production-ready - I found a couple bugs here and there (when logging in to SSH with a password, to name one). Having said that, all this should have given you the basic understanding of how PAMs work and how incredibly powerful this system is. It’s very likely I missed something or simply lack the knowledge of, so if you have any ideas on how to improve this post, don’t hesitate to e-mail me at